Thursday, December 25, 2014

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Posted by Gwen on Thursday, December 25, 2014 with No comments
The spinal cord serves as a link between the brain and the body, and if it is damaged in any way, our ability to move and feel will be affected as well. The spine is integral in every person’s central nervous system, and unlike other parts of our body, the spinal cord’s structure is so complex that it doesn’t have the ability to replace itself or regenerate.

A structure that is as delicate and vital as this should be properly cared for. Chiropractic, a medical health profession, involves manual therapy that focuses on the manipulation of joints, muscles, and soft tissues, most especially the spine. Low back pain, neck pain, and tissue injuries are all conditions that can be treated by a chiropractor.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Vancouver residents undergoing treatment for similar leg injuries should consider working with a respected chiropractor in Vancouver, WA, like Dr. Doug Forgey of Forgey Chiropractic, to facilitate their recoveries. Chiropractic care can’t completely mend a broken tibia and fibula, but it can greatly enhance the effects of physical therapy treatments that help people recover their legs’ normal functions.