Thursday, December 25, 2014

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Posted by Gwen on Thursday, December 25, 2014 with No comments
The spinal cord serves as a link between the brain and the body, and if it is damaged in any way, our ability to move and feel will be affected as well. The spine is integral in every person’s central nervous system, and unlike other parts of our body, the spinal cord’s structure is so complex that it doesn’t have the ability to replace itself or regenerate.

A structure that is as delicate and vital as this should be properly cared for. Chiropractic, a medical health profession, involves manual therapy that focuses on the manipulation of joints, muscles, and soft tissues, most especially the spine. Low back pain, neck pain, and tissue injuries are all conditions that can be treated by a chiropractor.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Vancouver residents undergoing treatment for similar leg injuries should consider working with a respected chiropractor in Vancouver, WA, like Dr. Doug Forgey of Forgey Chiropractic, to facilitate their recoveries. Chiropractic care can’t completely mend a broken tibia and fibula, but it can greatly enhance the effects of physical therapy treatments that help people recover their legs’ normal functions.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

All You Need to Know about Chiropractic Care

Posted by Gwen on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 with No comments
Chiropractic healthcare is the non-surgical treatment of nervous system and musculoskeletal disorders. Chiropractors, in general, focus on spinal manipulation and treatment of surrounding structures such as the lower back, the neck, and others.

Is chiropractic treatment effective?
Chiropractic care can benefit any human being or animal with a spine. It works by restoring balance to the body and allowing the body to heal itself. More than 25 million satisfied chiropractic patients in America can’t be wrong. Not only is it non-invasive and drug-free, but it also costs less than medical care.

Monday, November 10, 2014

These Days, Even School Kids Need a Chiropractor in Vancouver, WA

Posted by Gwen on Monday, November 10, 2014 with No comments

Health experts state that a loaded backpack shouldn’t be any more than 10 percent of the carrier’s weight. Any more weight can lead to back pains and other problems that demand the attention of a Vancouver, WA chiropractor like a professional from Forgey Chiropractic. Even if spinal injuries among children only constitute about two to five percent of all spinal injuries in the United States, these cases can be quite serious and complicated. Scoliosis, the unnatural side-to-side curvature of the spine, may be exacerbated by carrying a too-heavy backpack. Children are more likely to develop scoliosis during their ”growing years” (ages 9 to 15), which is also the period when they are most likely to carry a heavy backpack.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Get to Know One of the Most Common Hand Problems

Posted by Gwen on Saturday, October 25, 2014 with No comments
Are you experiencing recurring pain in one or both of your hands? Even worse, is the pain reaching your arms and shoulders?

You may be one of the many who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). Although not life-threatening, you could one day find yourself completely unable to move your hand if you don’t take this seriously now.

More Symptoms to Pay Close Attention To

Aside from pain that keeps coming back, other sensations, such as tingling and numbness, are indicators of this condition. The numbness can get worse to the extent that your hand can no longer feel heat or cold. Some feel as if their hand is swollen, yet without any actual visible swelling.

Other sufferers start to experience a weakened grip, gradually losing their ability to hold objects. This can be dangerous, especially when there’s a need to handle sharp, pointed, or heavy equipment at work.

Causes of CTS

Numerous causes can be linked to this ailment, but some of the most common are cysts or tumors, excessive fluids retained in the hand, inflammation around the tendons, and wrist dislocations or fractures. There are work related causes as well, including stress, frequent forceful use of the hands, and operating vibrating tools all the time.

Knowing the possible causes of CTS can help you avoid developing this condition. If it has already set in, however, you might want to undergo chiropractic care from reputable practitioners.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chiropractor in Vancouver, WA Offers Safer Back and Leg Pain Treatment

Posted by Gwen on Thursday, September 25, 2014 with No comments

To quote Bronfort, “…for people who have pain that is too severe for to deal with on their own, seeing a chiropractor, physical therapist, or osteopath who can use spinal manipulation might help relieve their pain – possibly without the use of medications.” With medical costs and expenses on the rise, seeking alternative treatments for body aches and chronic pains seems to be the way to go. Vancouverites who want to explore this option can consult a professional chiropractor in Vancouver, WA, like someone practicing at Forgey Chiropractic, who offers chiropractic adjustments as well as spinal, joint and soft tissue manipulation for back, joint and limb-related soreness. A skilled and well-trained chiropractor combines knowledge of mainstream medicine with chiropractic and physical therapy expertise to deliver effective results.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

New Mothers Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Posted by Gwen on Wednesday, September 17, 2014 with No comments
According to most chiropractors, breastfeeding is a common cause of body pain because it forces mothers to be in an uncomfortable position while nurturing their baby for long hours. Improper breastfeeding positions and general infant-rearing can take its toll on neck, back, and joints. Chiropractic care is crucial in providing solutions to this problem.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Chiropractic Techniques and You: What to Ask

Posted by Gwen on Friday, August 22, 2014 with No comments
Chiropractic medicine is based on the idea that problems in the musculoskeletal system, especially in the spine, can affect a person’s overall health. To remedy these problems, chiropractic practitioners use several techniques that are aimed at manipulating areas such as the spine and the surrounding tissue. However, while many of these techniques are effective and safe, you’ll want to ask a few questions to reassure yourself of your practitioner’s effectiveness.

  • First, you’ll want to know exactly what techniques your chiropractor knows. They won’t know every technique – most practitioners specialize in four to five methods. This should be enough for them to be able to pick the most applicable treatment for your case.

  • Second, ask if the chiropractor uses only their hands or performs their treatments with a device. Some chiropractor techniques like the Activator Method require the use of hand devices to assist with the manipulation of bone and tissue.

  • Third, inquire about whether they use joint-popping adjustment or low-force adjustment. This is important because while joint-popping can be too forceful for some patients, a number prefer the quicker approach of that method.

  • Finally, ask about your chiropractor’s experience. Questions about what disorders they have successfully treated are essential along with how long they have been operating as a professional. Additionally, you’ll want to know how much experience they have with the techniques they’re using.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Backpacks: Why Your Kid Should Visit a Chiropractor in Vancouver, WA

Posted by Gwen on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 with No comments

Should problems arise even after these measures are taken, parents should take their kids to a reliable expert, like a chiropractor in Vancouver, WA from Forgey Chiropractic, who specializes in treating spinal problems among children and teens. Prompt treatment matters because kids have weaker and more sensitive spinal vertebrae than adults, which means that even a simple strain can result in long-term conditions like sciatica. Although an experienced chiropractor can help prevent this from happening, parents are ultimately the ones responsible for preserving their kids’ spinal health.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Efficient Vancouver, WA chiropractic care and physical therapy like that provided by Forgey Chiropractic can help you recover from your injuries and get you back to your regular routines in due time. Whether you’re an active athlete or just a regular person who just happens to be unlucky enough to get injured in the course of daily life, talk to a chiropractor today to know your treatment options.

Friday, July 25, 2014

A Chiropractor’s Holistic Approach

Posted by Gwen on Friday, July 25, 2014 with No comments
Chiropractors are medical professionals with a fairly exclusive field of expertise. Chiropractors are trained to look at the body and consider the body as a living machine.  If a joint is misaligned or damaged, the machine’s smooth running is upset; causing inflammation, pressure on surrounding nerves, and subsequent health problems.

A chiropractor’s manner of treatment is literally manual manipulation. They base their practice on an age-old theory which states that the proper alignment of the body’s musculoskeletal structure, specifically the spine, will enable the body to essentially heal itself without need for surgery or medication.

This manipulative treatment is used to restore mobility to joints restricted by pain from tissue injury, often caused by a trauma-inducing event. Upon the first meeting, a chiropractor assesses posture, joint mobility, and the patient’s lifestyle, for additional information. Numerous standard tests are conducted to determine mobility. Some of the tests include the Thomas test (which tests hip joint mobility) and the Yeoman’s test (the practitioner flexes the patient’s legs one at a time to test for sprain and mobility).

After the initial assessment, the chiropractor then goes to work by employing, first a massage to loosen stiff muscles, before focusing on manual adjustment techniques. The manipulation often involves a sharp, sudden, but precise thrusting movement to ‘free up” the joint. The latter is the treatment method that directly characterizes chiropractic treatment itself.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Facts about the Importance of Chiropractic Care

Posted by Gwen on Friday, June 27, 2014 with No comments
Chiropractic care has been practiced for centuries now, and in that span of time it has seen many changes that aim to perfect its ability to restore, heal, and relax. The treatments under this system are mainly aimed towards people suffering from musculoskeletal problems. Here are some of the most important things you should know about it:

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation makes up most chiropractic treatments, and it is generally considered a safe treatment for back pain and neck pain. Acute back pains, such as those from sudden (non-fatal) impacts, can be extremely painful if left untreated, with symptoms often lasting for weeks with little improvement.

Treatment Plan

In this process, chiropractors will manipulate the joints with a series of manual adjustments using sudden force to restore or improve their mobility. Following this, chiropractic care also deals with helping patients recover from their injury with nutritional counseling and exercise integration programs.

Other Benefits

Aside from alleviation of spinal problems, there are other benefits that patients can get out of chiropractic treatments. These include fibromyalgia, muscle stress and tension, arthritis, arm pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, migraines and headaches, and certain sleep disorders. Be sure to consult your local chiropractic professional to know more.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Using Chiropractic Treatment for Preventive Care

Posted by Gwen on Monday, June 02, 2014 with No comments
Most people often only consider visiting a chiropractor after a very strenuous activity or after they hurt themselves. What they don’t realize is that if they had been periodically visiting their chiropractor before the accident, their chances of getting hurt would have been significantly less. When a body is properly aligned and at peak performance, it can better protect itself from injury as well as have an increased capacity to heal itself.

Friday, May 30, 2014

"Chiropractic medical professionals understand the equal importance of breastfeeding and keeping mothers healthy. Using spinal adjustments, manipulation and other techniques, chiropractic care aims to manage patients’ health concerns. Chiropractic techniques are able to alleviate musculoskeletal pains, which may severely affect one’s mobility and function. Another benefit of chiropractic care, especially for new mothers, is that the healing it provides is natural. The bodies of women undergo a lot of stress during their pregnancies and, of course, labor. Because of the extreme changes they experience, their bodies will need proper healing for them to go back to full health."

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Some Benefits of Going to a Chiropractor

Posted by Gwen on Thursday, May 01, 2014 with No comments
Injuries are a part of life. They can be caused by different factors, from overuse of the muscles to improper posture when landing. Anyone who has ever experienced an injury will agree that these types of injuries have had significant effects on how they live their lives.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Vancouver, Washington (April 21, 2014) – Dr. Doug Forgey, a leading chiropractor in Vancouver, WA, announced that his practice’s website will be using a new domain name from now on. As such, patients are advised to visit their new homepage at

Company representatives say this move is a natural development for the business, which allows it to be more visible to patients looking for a chiropractor online. Furthermore, the change strengthens the practice’s branding by putting Dr. Forgey’s name front and center.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Easing Your Back Pain With Chiropractic Care

Posted by Gwen on Thursday, April 03, 2014 with 1 comment
Lower back pain is the bane of the modern worker. This is mostly because of the lack of exercise and the sedentary lifestyle that people lead. Poor posture and sleeping position only contribute to people developing pain in their lumbar regions.

There are several ways to treat it, but one of the most popular treatments is chiropractic care. Over 22 million Americans consult with chiropractors every year and a third of them come to them mainly for pain reasons. Though the scientific establishment suspends disbelief about the chiropractic method, it agrees that chiropractors seem to have positive effects on those suffering from lower back pain.

Chiropractors treat their patients using hands-on manipulation of their musculoskeletal structure. The basic theory is that a properly aligned structure can manage to heal itself on its own without any outside assistance. This is why many chiropractors focus on the spine and the back, being the foundation of the skeletal system.

The treatment itself involves the chiropractor stretching, massaging and manipulating your body so as to make sure that all the bones and muscles are in their right alignment. This often helps in improving a person's range of motion and help ease their lower back and neck pain. Chiropractors also advise on nutrition and exercise to help with their long-term plan of pain relief.

Chiropractic treatment of lower back pain is surprisingly effective. Many people swear by it and there is no doubting the results. However, like any other medical procedure, potential patients should be upfront with their treatment; chiropractors should know if they are treating someone taking medication or have existing conditions that may cause complications.

For those suffering from chronic back pain, chiropractic treatment can be a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. Try it out to see if it works for you.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Vancouver, WA Chiropractor Can Help Smart Runners Prevent Injuries

Posted by Gwen on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 with No comments
To help prevent injuries and facilitate recovery from them, an experienced Vancouver, WA chiropractor can help runners diversify training workouts and recommend exercises that support the spine and lubricate the joints to get them moving more freely and efficiently. Cross-training prepares the body to react to slips, swift changes in stride, and uneven terrain. Moreover, it is essential to enable other body parts to develop their potential.

Those who want to prevent further injuries, including physically active people, should consult a dependable Vancouver, WA chiropractic practice like Forgey Sportsmed & Rehab Clinic. After a prompt diagnosis, chiropractors come up with treatment plans that help ease the pain in problem areas, restore mobility, and set the body’s natural healing abilities in motion.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Safe Sports Start With Warm-Ups

Posted by Gwen on Saturday, January 25, 2014 with No comments
Athletes are prone to injuries. With rigorous training routines, they could even unconsciously hurt their ankles or, worse, break some bones. If that happens, their career in sports can be cut short.

As with anything else, proper conditioning is vital for every athlete. This prepares their body for a heavy workout ahead. However, improper alignment often afflicts them because of the lack of routine variety. Sprinting on the same surface repeatedly and not replacing shoes after hundreds of miles can induce injuries that may take time to heal.

To speed up recovery from the injury, an experienced Vancouver, WA chiropractor can help diversify training workouts and recommend exercises that support the spine, lubricate the joints, and get them moving more freely and efficiently. Cross training helps the body react to slips, swift changes in strides, and uneven terrain. Moreover, other body parts get the chance to develop their potential with a good workout.

Those who want to prevent further injuries, including physically active people, should consult a dependable Vancouver, WA chiropractic clinic. After prompt diagnosis, chiropractors can come up with treatment plans that help ease the pain in problem areas, restore mobility, and set the body’s natural healing abilities in motion.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Vancouver, WA chiropractor like one at Forgey SportsMed & Rehab Clinic, therefore, may perform the necessary operation on infants exhibiting colic symptoms. There’s a good chance the baby didn’t come out smoothly during delivery, inflicting damage on his spine and putting bodily functions on the fritz.

While it’s still difficult to diagnose colic, symptoms should be immediately brought to a doctor’s attention. Keep this in mind before you go to a Vancouver chiropractic expert.