Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tips on Preventing Sports Injuries

Posted by Gwen on Thursday, September 17, 2015 with No comments
Athletes put stress on their joints, muscles, and tendons on a regular basis. For this reason, it makes sense for amateur and professional athletes alike to take advantage of regular chiropractic sessions​ to remain in the game. In between chiropractic sessions, athletes can take steps to further reduce the risk of injury.

Taking Time to Stretch

Stretching warms up muscles to help prevent injuries. Doing so in advance of a workout or practice game is also a good way to identify aches and pains that should be further evaluated.

Knowing When to Take a Time Out
Even athletes in prime shape can experience pain that clearly means something is wrong. Playing through the pain often does more harm than good, especially if muscles and joints are affected. Athletes of any skill level should take a time out when

• Sudden, sharp pain occurs
• Pain radiates to multiple parts of the body (as with back pain that's felt in the upper thighs or legs)
• Severe force to the spine results in numbness or tingling sensations
• Hard falls result in immediate pain

Given that the spine is made up of 24 independent vertebrae, there's bound to be some aches and pains from the constant movements associated with most sports. While taking steps to prevent sports injuries is beneficial for any athlete, making an effort to keep everything working in unison with regular chiropractic care is just as important.


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